Embracing A Stress Free Holiday
The holiday season is a time to cherish moments with loved ones, create lasting memories, and find joy in the spirit of giving. However, it’s no secret that the holidays can also bring about stress and overwhelm. We invite you to embrace a stress-free holiday season by adopting practical strategies to prioritize self-care, simplify your […]
Reflections of the Past Year
As Integra Direct Primary Care celebrates its one-year anniversary, it is an opportune time to look back and reflect on the benefits that direct primary care (DPC) has brought to our members and the community. Over the past year, we have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of this healthcare model, which places emphasis on accessibility, […]
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ~ Acts 20:35
There are a lot of blessings in life, but few match the feeling you have after you have given a gift. You feel warm inside. Your heart jumps a bit when you see a grateful expression on the recipient’s face, and you feel happiness. When the Apostle Paul spoke to the Ephesian Elders years after […]