There are a lot of blessings in life, but few match the feeling you have after you have given a gift. You feel warm inside. Your heart jumps a bit when you see a grateful expression on the recipient’s face, and you feel happiness.
When the Apostle Paul spoke to the Ephesian Elders years after Jesus’ death, he recalled Jesus’ words, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Today, this admonishment translates to each of us being called by God to give to others in need.
Integra Direct Primary Care is grounded in this call, as well, not just for our patients, but through our patients. That’s why $10 per member will be donated annually to one or two community non-profit organizations.
Recommendations for non-profit organizations benefiting from this program will come from current patients in the practice, with the final decision being made by the leadership of Integra DPC. Recipient organizations will also be promoted through Integra DPC’s newsletter and website.
Do you have a worthwhile non-profit in mind? Let us know. It would be a blessing to the organization, to you, and to each of us.